Paladin Energy Strategies

Paladin Energy Strategies is devoted to assisting clients navigate the increasingly complex world of regulations. Whether you are an investor owned utility, a renewable energy company, or an regional transmission organization, Paladin can provide you with the strategic assistant you need to be successful.

Paladin advises its clients how to play chess rather than checkers. Paladin, through its Principal, Kevin Gunn, does this by acquiring and providing information, developing relationships with regulators, facilitating stakeholder discussions and developing strategic and tactical plans.

Kevin has deep experience both in government and as the Chairman of the Missouri Public Service Commission that translates to ties to all segments of the energy community.

Paladin operates in the electricity, natural gas, water, telecommunications and renewable sectors.

If an Attorney-Client relationship is desired, Paladin’s sister company The Law Offices of Kevin D. Gunn may be utilized.

Please feel free to visit the contact us page to arrange a consultation or to get your questions answered.

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